Welcome TO GET SMART Blog

It truly a last minute open blog.Sorry for the layout.
Will be edited the whole layout soon enough.
Any suggestion on decorating our blog will be truly appreciated.

Later i will update on how you all going to post.,
A tutorial will be added to the blog for you as a reference to teach you all how to blog.
Any first time user of blogger could seek advise or help from those who have been using Blogger for sometime.

I will build category so that Ms Teng could easily navigate through the blog to access our work.
To those who is unfamiliar with label, a screen shot will be post on how to post according to your own category.
Further notice will be update on you guy.
Till that time idea and suggestion is welcome to decorate the whole blog.

A chat box will be up soon.
First of all when you all lo gin to this blog please please introduce your self and your title and some description.
Any question could be post at the chat box or through post.

Any inquiry you may contact

Mr Gary Hoo 012 6941728.
Ms Titi Tan 017 4282521.