What's the purpose of the Ancient Nazca Lines?

On top of the arid plateau that stretches for 50miles is the ancient Nazca Lines which comprises of approximately 300 hundred pieces of geometric forms and images from straight lines to the images of animals deep within the surface of the desert sand pampa. The lines were created by removing the reddish brown iron oxide coated pebbles that covers the surface and when the gravel is removed the lighter color earth shows a contrast in colors and tones. The lines are actually preserved by its extremely dry climate and its windless condition. The lines are still visible to the present day.With its gigantic dimension size, it can only be viewed accurately from the air. The ancient people built them, which could suggest that the possibilities of ancient people or extraterrestrial beings whom are capable of flight. By looking from the air it actually looks like an airport of some sort because of all the wide bands that looks like airstrips and the gigantic long straight lines that stretches for great distances which at the same time it looks like runways for an aircraft of some sort.

The lines Suggests of an Airstrip Runway

The Humming Bird

As for the gigantic figures such as fishes, monkeys, spiders, and apes. It could be that to show or to signal ancient people or extraterrestrial beings in aerial vehicle to land here or something but scientists have yet to uncover the true purpose of the geometrical lines.

Then again, the Wright brothers had yet to create and airplane because the first successful airplane was created on December 17, 1903. But carbon dating shows that the Nazca Lines were created between 400 to 650 AD which is ahead beyond the time of the creation of airplane. Human beings had yet capable of flight during that period.

The Wright Brothers

Credits: http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/imagegallery/image_feature_976.html

To our present past, American troops created airbase on the remote islands of the Pasific. The natives whom have never witnessed advanced technologies, the sight of giant metal planes landing down would be like the Gods are descending down from heaven to earth. The natives did not know how and what modern technologies all about. They perceived these phenomenon are the works of Gods. The troops gave those natives cargos of food and clothing. When the war had ended, the troops left the remote islands and the natives would worship them as Gods because they were given food supplies and clothing. The natives would then build structures similar to what they have seen to try and get those American troops to come back. If something like this would have happened to our near distanced past.

Could ancient religions been created or built upon the influence of extraterrestrial beings or a more civilized group of ancient humans?


Anonymous said...

testting comment

PingHeng said...

Wah historyyyyy ....... so ... many pictures .....

PingHeng said...

Which 1 is which 1???? Confusing @.@

Gavin said...

wat do u mean? i m confused of wat ur are confused off...

Carrie said...

Started ur layout?