What do u think that Pacal's Sarcophagus looks like?

Lord Pacal's Sarcophagus

Lord Pacal The Great a.k.a K'inich Janaab Pakal the ruler of the Mayan city,Palenque in the region of Southern Mexico. Lord Pacal was borned on 23 March 603 - 28 August 683 during the Late Classic periods of the pre-Columbian era.

Lord Pacal's Sculpture

Credits: http://media-files.gather.com/images/d815/d908/d743/d224/d96/f3/full.jpg

The Temple of Inscriptions was abandoned for centuries before it was found by the Spanish Explorers. Deep within a secret tomb hidden within the temple lies the sarcophagus of Pacal The Great, Palenque 7th century ruler. The sarcophagus weight 7 tons.

Temple of Inscriptions

Credits: http://www.smackfu.com/photos/yucatan/IMG_0343.jpg

Lord Pacal's Tomb

Now back to Lord Pacal's Sarcophagus. Lord Pacal's sarcophagus carvings has became the classic Mayan art. Most people believe the carvings on the sarcophagus showing Lord Pacal's decending into the underworld. But if we were to look at it at a totally different way, you would be surprise....

Illustration of The Sarcophagus Carvings

Credits: http://www.benpadiah.com/otherstuff/magic/img629.jpg

*Press the image to enlarge*

There are too many similarities to a modern astronaut in a space shuttle being shown by the carvings.

Now the artifact here shown, make us wonder...

Were the Mayan trying to depict an extraterrestrial being?

Were they been exposed to modern technology with their own limited understanding during that time?

Did the ancient aliens influence the Mayan culture in someways?


Julia Y. said...

hey! your topic is like so damn cool.

super duper interested.

but the truth is, i'm very lazy to read the text, and i don't understand what the images are.

anticipating your completed content!
hope there will be less words. @.@

keep it up! good luck!

carrie said...

got 1 pic, the black n white 1 look like medusa...

Anonymous said...

xD his face look like dat mou bin...

Carrie said...

hey gavin, how to attach the video from youtube?

gavin said...

go youtube get the embedded code den go paste it in the html section