==Smart Fingers create Fun Math==Front Page Layout

Finally, i have done my front page layout.
As you can see, i used the numeric of '123' to represent a mathematics school. Besides that, i have made the numeric of '123' to become a cute character with eyes and mouth etc.

I have created a logo for my webpage which is Annie Mynie E-Mathematics on the top right side. The 'Annie Mynie' sounds like a kid's game tone so I used it as my logo.

I will update the rest of layout as soon as possible. Hope you guys support^^

Thanks alot.

-to be continue-


Carrie said...

its nice =)

怪丫丫 said...

thanks ya^^

Fu Hsien said...

the blue- -......u should change, abit spoil the page

怪丫丫 said...

the blue, i will remain it de cuz i wan show like up n down color...to represent + & - ma....
But i oso will take note de...thx ya..loong goR~~~~

Anonymous said...

actually the color dont really show + & - ... very min keong... maybe can try other color

怪丫丫 said...

Enen, will take note...thx ya^^

moderator said...

wah reli min keong meh...i dun tink loh..it reli show a lot emphasis on the background...i tink it nice ahhh...

Anonymous said...

Hi..first at all i wan to ask u all having problem post comment? i cant post comment successfully at first try...
In my opinion..this is an awesome layout for kids...my sis's child show very high interest when she saw this layout. I think is because the color attract them...biasanya most kids love the colorful things....so i think this program will run well on children world~~


怪丫丫 said...

Thx moderator & Ch3n~~
may be different ppl got different view in my layout...anywayz...thx so much~~~~i will keep it up....

moderator said...

Mr ch3n can i noe wat is the error when u try to post the comment..i would like to fiz the bug rite away...if u dun mind tell ms tan the error i will personally fix it