==Smart Fingers create Fun Math== FinaL LayOut Look^^
After consulted by Ms. Teng,
she suggested me to add in some audio to attract kids' attraction.
I will try it in my storyboard.
This is my latest layouts for this Subject.
As you can see, I have changed the 'contact' to 'login & test' page.
It is because I found out that testing their level in learning this is
more important than to give them contact.
The purpose of this website is to let them know and understand
this method well through the website.
My website for kids is under the guidance of parents.
I hope that the parents would like to spend some time to accompany
their children in learning this Chisenbop.
You will find out,
its a fun and an effective way to let your children gain
knowledge and love this subject. It also helps to improve the relationship
between you and your children.
^sTay Tuned^