Did you know Guppy does not lay eggs like other fish?

Female Guppies do not normally lay eggs like most female fish, instead Female Guppies release small live babies. Usually they release a group with about 12 to 30 babies over a period of a few hours, and they do this again every 3 or 4 weeks. In fact, once a Female Guppy is fertilized by a Male Guppy, that female can continue to release baby Guppies for many months without a Male Guppy in the aquarium.

After they are released by their mother, baby Guppies float to the bottom of the aquarium and often swim in a hurky-jurky way for a few hours. They are probably learning how to control their fins. But soon they are swimming well and find their way into the big clump of Java Ferns, where they look for tiny bits of food. A little later the baby Guppies swarm around the sponge filter, and pick bits of food off the sponge.

*from aquriumfish.net

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Duke Of Fernleigh said...

wow~~ so informative~~!!!!
i oso don't know guppy din lay eggs de tim~~